ANNOUNCEMENTS, RESORT OPENINGS & Weather forecast for teton Mountains: WINTER sEASON 2024
- Our product testing continues into the '24/'25 Ski Seaason. We look forward to providing you with further proven performance data as is physically possible. Reach out to us if you are interested in assisting with performance testing, or if you know of a ski OR snowboard team interested in seeing if our products can improve their race performance.
- Mt. Bachelor, OR - Open Now
- Mt. Hood Meadows, OR - Open Now
- Grand Targhee, ID/WY - Open Now
- Schweitzer, ID - Open Now Big Sky Resort, MT - Open Now Jackson Hole Resort, WY - Open Now Snowbasin, UT - Open Now (Home of the 2002 and 2034 Winter Olympics and Grizzly Downhill)
- Pomerelle, ID - Open Now!!
- For The Latest Teton Mountain Range Weather: Today - Please Click on the Purple Link Below To See The Latest Full Report from the National Weather Service. Regular Snow, Weather and Skiing Conditions Reports will return this Winter. See The Latest Full Report: National Weather Service
Before heading out, Check Current Snow Conditions At Your Favorite Ski Resorts in our Snow "Reports" and Live Cam Pages in The Menu above. Check out TPW's Speed Shop for Best Ski and Snowboard Waxes money can buy, for every skill level.
For the best viewing experience of our website, please use a laptop, desktop or tablet.
Welcome everyone
We are so glad you are here!
Professional Racers, Wax Techs, Moms and Dads of NASTAR Racers, Backcountry Riders and Performance Enthusiasts:
You may have just found Heaven! 🕊☁️
(please study our site and data, then decide for yourself)
Whether you are a skier or a snowboarder, no matter your skill level: an amateur, collegiate racer or professional, we are developing a full range of speed products for YOU. Teton Powda Wax (TPW) products are unlike any other on the commercial market or typically found in your local ski shop. From family vacations to race training, to ski patrol, we are here to elevate your shredding experience and help you live life to the fullest. Maybe you want to bomb downhill winning races, launch out of the half-pipe, master the terrain park, attack the moguls, catski or heliboard the backcountry Teton Powda, our selection of waxes will help you choose your desired outdoor experience and elevate your adventure.
Teton Powda Wax - Born in the Tetons. Tested on a Lonely Mountain. everybody needs a delicious powdery hole & some ghee ❤️

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Our Mission
Is to bring you a 21st-century, next-generation line of ultra high-performance ski & snowboard race waxes based on modern state-of-the-art nanotechnology and the latest wax chemistry. We go far beyond tree sap, sperm whale oil, hydrocarbon chain length, water-soluble shampoo ingredients, PFAS and Fluorinated waxes or mineral additives. We just summarized over 360 years of ski wax technology in one sentence. Imagine that.
We express our gratitude and respect to everyone in the ski wax industry for their contributions, from our collective ancestors to Martin Matsbo, Terry Hertel, Leif Torgersen, Matt Cummins, Bryan Rushforth, and that dude they call "Jay." We have nothing but respect for your contributions to improving our glide. This site is our way of sharing our latest technological discoveries in wax performance with everyone who wants to try them. Let's elevate YOUR riding experience and empower YOU to progress the sport to new heights.

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"World Cup Race Pace . . . But, on Beginner Runs!!"
The Streif Downhill event, held in Austria, (shown in the video above) is a Black Diamond (Expert) race course w/ Avg. incline of 27% w/ Max. incline of 85% on fast, hard, icy conditions. Fritz Strobl set the course record for the fastest overall time (highest average speed) in 1997. The North American equivalent would be the Grizzly Downhill event featured in the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics held at SnowBasin, Utah (and returning in 2034!!) w/ Avg. incline of 30.87%, where Fritz Strobl, using a push-off (gate start), down Ephraim's face (70% grade), averaged 64.538 mph (103.864 km/h) over 3,127 yards to win the Gold Medal.
In the Spring, ('23 season) Teton Powda Wax conducted standardized product testing using live, on snow, wax race simulations on a small section of a 🟢 Beginner run (under controlled conditions for safety) w/ Avg. incline of just 14%, (18% grade or 10 degrees Tested) known as the Cinnabar run, at Big Sky Resort, Montana in packed powder. Using numerous pairs of properly prepped 15-20 year old "legacy" rock skis with scratched bases and all. TPW tested and discovered many amazing formulas where we could repeatedly go from a dead standstill—with no push off, and reach 58 mph (93.342 km/h) in just 600 yards in mild beginner terrain using Teton Glass Elite Racing Series Waxes (TGS).
That's World Cup Race Pace. . . but on a Beginner Run!! Similar speed, (with no push-off) on half of the incline or less. Let that sink in for a minute. For another comparison, we hit similar speeds on a 🟦 Intermediate Run (Big Thunder, bottom section) at Grand Targhee, Alta, Wyoming, but we did it in half the distance, just 300 yards before launching ourselves airborne near the base of the Dreamcatcher lift! Last week, January 2025, Jacob Krause (pictured right) was testing some of our Teton Glass Elite Racing Waxes using the Slopes App. Jacob is a snowboarder, and Tech Team Member of Barrie's Ski and Sports in Pocatello, ID, and he was performing a speed test at Pebble Creek Ski Resort, Inkom, ID on a 🟦 run, known as Stacy's Run. Stacy's run is a relatively short run leading into a Green Circle (Lower Green Canyon), yet Jacob hit a blistering 78.6 MPH or 126.54 km/h!! That is haulin'! Jacob was going 20.6 MPH faster than my personal speed records on 🟢 runs of 58 MPH. Now realize Jacob, and you, could gain another 20 - 30+ MPH of speed going down a black diamond advanced/expert level run or race course, like World Cup race courses, that would put you guys on pace for exceeding 99 - 110+ MPH, literally smashing Lindsey Vonn's all time speed record of 86 MPH!! (Which she most likley accomplished on a Black Diamond or steeper run in competition and she has a 19+ lb. weight advantage over Jacob). The computer models say you can go even faster actually, which is where the TV27 designation comes from (TV27 = Terminal Velocity (160+ MPH) is theoretically possible on a 27 degree incline for a 260 lb. rider, given a long enough run). Jacob was riding a prototype bar of our soon to be released TGES AFTERBURNER v2.0 TV27 Race Wax... the companion to our original AfterBurner Formula. Jacob noted the absense of a top out speed, meaning the ride felt as though he would have continued to accelerate if his run was longer. Nothing was holding him back. AfterBurner v2.0 is a completely PFAS, Flouro-free Formula, just like the original. Head over to the Top Gun Leaderboard if you'd like to see more real world performance data from riders just like you. Where you can have a ton of fun and join the competition too. Be the Top Gun of your local run.
That's World Cup Race Pace. . . but on a Beginner Run!! Similar speed, (with no push-off) on half of the incline or less. Let that sink in for a minute. For another comparison, we hit similar speeds on a 🟦 Intermediate Run (Big Thunder, bottom section) at Grand Targhee, Alta, Wyoming, but we did it in half the distance, just 300 yards before launching ourselves airborne near the base of the Dreamcatcher lift! Last week, January 2025, Jacob Krause (pictured right) was testing some of our Teton Glass Elite Racing Waxes using the Slopes App. Jacob is a snowboarder, and Tech Team Member of Barrie's Ski and Sports in Pocatello, ID, and he was performing a speed test at Pebble Creek Ski Resort, Inkom, ID on a 🟦 run, known as Stacy's Run. Stacy's run is a relatively short run leading into a Green Circle (Lower Green Canyon), yet Jacob hit a blistering 78.6 MPH or 126.54 km/h!! That is haulin'! Jacob was going 20.6 MPH faster than my personal speed records on 🟢 runs of 58 MPH. Now realize Jacob, and you, could gain another 20 - 30+ MPH of speed going down a black diamond advanced/expert level run or race course, like World Cup race courses, that would put you guys on pace for exceeding 99 - 110+ MPH, literally smashing Lindsey Vonn's all time speed record of 86 MPH!! (Which she most likley accomplished on a Black Diamond or steeper run in competition and she has a 19+ lb. weight advantage over Jacob). The computer models say you can go even faster actually, which is where the TV27 designation comes from (TV27 = Terminal Velocity (160+ MPH) is theoretically possible on a 27 degree incline for a 260 lb. rider, given a long enough run). Jacob was riding a prototype bar of our soon to be released TGES AFTERBURNER v2.0 TV27 Race Wax... the companion to our original AfterBurner Formula. Jacob noted the absense of a top out speed, meaning the ride felt as though he would have continued to accelerate if his run was longer. Nothing was holding him back. AfterBurner v2.0 is a completely PFAS, Flouro-free Formula, just like the original. Head over to the Top Gun Leaderboard if you'd like to see more real world performance data from riders just like you. Where you can have a ton of fun and join the competition too. Be the Top Gun of your local run.
That's how fast many Teton Powda Wax
ski and snowboard waxes are!!
Harakiri - Literally means "ritual suicide by disembowelment"
A very fitting name for this run in Austria with a 78% slope!
Or 4.26x the steepness of the "Cinnabar Tests" featured here.
Skiing Physics
There is a direct relationship between % of incline (slope) and speed, due to gravity. In essence, the steeper the slope, the more gravity's effects are imparted upon you. We perceive these effects in the form of acceleration. When the slope is steep, the skier will change velocity more rapidly = higher acceleration. When the slope is shallow, the skier will not change velocity as rapidly = slower acceleration. So ask yourself what will happen at 14% slope, vs. 20% vs 31% vs 45% vs 72% vs 95% slope? Our blazing fast Cinnabar Speed Test results presented here were achieved at 18% slope or 10 degrees incline, where the rate of acceleration would normally be perceived to be "low."
What in the good Lord's frozen Yeti is going to happen on an icy Black Diamond race course??
(>40% incline)
We want to know too! Check out the Teton Glass Elite Racing Series Waxes.
Based on our empirical test data, TPW strongly believes that today's elite ski racers should be able to achieve speeds upto and in excess of 90 MPH on the Streif and even 100 MPH (161 KM/H or more) tucking down the Grizzly Downhill course with proper product application and course conditions. In fact, the computer model says that if I were to tuck down Ephraim's face (top of Grizzly Downhill race) on AfterBurner v2.0 TV27 I could reach 124.4 MPH / 200.19 km/h in just the first 10 seconds of the race!! Compare that to Fritz Stroble, the race winner in 2002, who reportedly reached 75 MPH / 120.70 km/h in the first 10 seconds. We feel that's both an achievable performance metric and a strong warning to anyone considering racing on our Teton Glass Series of race waxes.
Compare our speeds and those of competitor Racing products using our standardized testing method.
Check out the Speed Shop and Testing sections for more details.
When The Ski School Director Notices
After 28 years, I decided to take a private lesson requesting a 'race clinic or advanced carving.' My instructor was the Ski School Director. I was focused on my form, when he made this unsolicited comment 10 minutes into the lesson, before he knew that I was riding on TPW Black Ice Bandit (prototype): "Who ever waxed your skis last night, sure knew what the hell they were doing." -- Barry Whiting, Pomerelle Ski School Director for 34 years, Level 3 Certified, Albion, ID, and the Cool Dude Barry's Burger and Barry's Run are named after. Thanks for the invaluable instruction and great time Barry! (never give up the tree!) ;P February 2025TPW Extreme Durability
"I combined Gate Slayer and Detonator. Skied on dry snow for 3 whole days at Big Sky, MT with tons of speed. I went to wax the skis before the next trip and noticed the wax was like I hadn't skied on it at all. I needed to test another formula. So, I scraped it with hard pressure and even used a steel rotobrush and still couldn't get it to come off. Talk about durable!! " -- Jon Ball, Idaho, Co-Owner TPW. January 2025don't be fooled By Competitor Waxes
"I bought a popular competitor's bar of hot wax off Amazon, you know the 1 lb. brick for like $30 bucks... to be fair, I applied it the same way we do all of our hot waxes, using standard methods, and after one single beginner run at Big Sky, there was no wax left on the skis at all. At $270 for a one day lift ticket, am I supposed to quit skiing after a single run?? That's Bullsh*t" -- Jon Ball, Idaho, Co-Owner TPW. January 2025tPW Polar Cold Performance
"Wax has been great, never got stuck on any flats, and has made traversing a breeze." -- James Bergeron, Virginia Resident, Snowboarder, Shredding at Keystone, CO in -20 F Temps. on Pro Race Trainer Extra Hard II. (which contains Everlast) January 2025Reactions
"I gave my bar of AfterBurner to my buddy at Black Diamond Skis as a gift. He's kind of a legend at Alta, everyone knows him. I'm going to have to get you some more detailed feedback other than "Holy Sh*t That Stuff Was Fast!"" -- Carrie Williams, Utah, Skier, and Curator of Good Company. April 2024Shredder's Preference
"Yeah, I am a huge fan of the Board Butter and Detonator Combo.... Snow was groomed super good last night. Every run I've hit thus far has been phenomenal." --Jacob Kruase, Idaho, Avid Snowboarder and Tech Team Member at Barrie's Ski and Sports Shop. Janaury 2025
Why buy from us?
Unprecedented performance
Our product formulas bring new levels of on-snow efficiency, speed, performance, durability, super slick feel, and effortless turns.
Competitive prices
Greater durability means less waxing and more money saved. Some products form a permanent bond with long lasting performance.
Free shipping
Free Standard Shipping for all
orders over $100.
Trusted marketplace
Our in-house Cyber Security Team with decades of experience, along with our partners, are working hard to protect
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